Not really sure how much explanation this one needs. I guess the name says it all. What is your poison? That is what is in there.
These are really some of my favorite pieces to make. The base is wood covered with a collage of antique newspapers and prints form the 1800’s. The POISON lettering I hand carve into the surface of the collage so it gives an embossed effect. The bottle is from Dead Horse Bay in Brooklyn which was an old dump built over an old horse rendering plant right on the beach. The ocean has since re-claimed the dump site, spreading bottles across the sand along with all matter of NYC detritus from 1900-the 60’s. Including horse bones. At high tide the bottles in the ocean are so numerous they clang together and it sounds like underwater ocean chimes.
Price includes shipping which can be discounted for local pick up. I live in Azusa, CA.